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Xavier Li, Ph.D.

Courses Taught

Analytics, Evidence-Based Decision Making


Ph.D., Statistics, Measurement and Evaluation in Education, University of Missouri, 2018

Research Interests

Direction of effect and causality, effect variability, applied measurement, teacher and school effectiveness

Publications and Media Placements

Peer-reviewed Journals
• Kim, J., Li, X*, & Bergin, C. (2024). Characteristics of effective feedback in teacher evaluation. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability (* equal co-first author)
• Li, X. Martens, M. & Wiedermann, W. (2023). Conditional direction of dependence modeling: Application and implementation in SPSS. Social Science Computer Review. (cited by 4)
• Huang, F. L., Zhang, B. & Li, X. (2022). Using robust standard errors for the analysis of binary outcomes with a small number of clusters. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness. (cited by 4)
• Li, X., Bergin, C. & Olsen, A. (2022). Positive teacher-student relationships may lead to better teaching. Learning and Instruction. (cited by 60)
• Huang, F. L. & Li, X. (2021). Using cluster robust standard errors when analyzing cluster randomized trials with few clusters. Behavior Research Methods. (cited by 18)
• Li, X., Zhao, L.& Lee S. (2020). Measuring user experiences with e-sourcing platforms: The development of the e-sourcing experience index. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management. (cited by 4)
• Wiedermann, W., & Li, X. (2020). Confounder detection in linear mediation models: Performance of kernel-based tests of independence. Behavior Research Methods. (cited by 13)
• Li, X., Wiedermann, W. (2020). Conditional direction dependence analysis: Evaluating the causal direction of effects in linear models with interaction terms. Multivariate Behavioral Research. (cited by 13)
• van Wie, M.P., Li., X. & Wiedermann, W. (2019). Identification of confounded subgroups using linear model-based recursive partitioning. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling. (cited by 6)
• Wiedermann, W., Li, X., & von Eye, A. (2018). Testing the causal direction of mediation effects in randomized intervention studies. Prevention Science. (cited by 16)
• Wiedermann, W., & Li, X. (2018). Direction dependence analysis: Testing the direction of effects in linear models with implementation in SPSS. Behavior Research Methods. (cited by 49)
Statistical Software
• Huang, F. L., Zhang, B. & Li, X. (2022). Using SPSS for Cluster Robust Regression Analysis of Binary Outcomes (version 1.4). https://github.com/flh3/CR2/tree/master/SPSS
• Li, X., & Wiedermann, W. (2020). Conditional Direction Dependence Analysis in Linear Models with SPSS Macros and Custom Dialogue Implementation (version 1.1) (Software) http://www.ddaproject.com/.
• Li, X., & Wiedermann, W. (2020). Using SPSS to Test the Direction of Effects in Reversible Linear Models: Custom Dialogs for Direction Dependence Analysis (version 2.1) (Software) http://www.ddaproject.com/.
• Huang, F. L. & Li, X. (2020). Using SPSS for Cluster Robust Regression Analysis. (Software) https://github.com/flh3/CR2/tree/master/SPSS
• Wiedermann, W., & Li, X. (2018). Direction Dependence Analysis in R. (Software) http://www.ddaproject.com/. 
• Li, X., & Wiedermann, W. (2017). Direction Dependence Analysis: SPSS macros to test the direction of effects in linear models. (Software) http://www.ddaproject.com/.
Book Chapters
• Li, X., & Wiedermann, W. (2020) On the Causal Relation of Academic Achievement and Intrinsic Motivation: An Application of Direction Dependence Analysis Using SPSS Custom Dialogs. In W. Wiedermann, D. Kim, E. Sungur & A. von Eye(Eds.) Direction Dependence in Statistical Models: Methods of Analysis.
• Wiedermann, W., & Li, X. (2020). Direction Dependence Analysis: Statistical Foundations and Applications. In W. Wiedermann, D. Kim, E. Sungur & A. von Eye(Eds.) Direction Dependence in Statistical Models: Methods of Analysis.

Professional Organizations and Associations

American Educational Research Association
Association for Education Finance and Policy 
Association for Psychological Science

Community Work and Service

Frontiers in Psychology. Review Editor