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Wynne Moskop, Ph.D.

Political Science

Courses Taught

Undergraduate: Feminist Theory, Renaissance and Modern Political Thought, Ancient and Medieval Political Thought, Theories of Justice, Issues in Political Thought. Graduate: American Political Thought; Contemporary Political Ideologies; Care, Justice, and Friendship


Ph.D., The George Washington University

M.A., The George Washington University

B.A., DePauw University

Research Interests

Politics and social ethics, Jane Addams as a practitioner and theorist of political friendship, political leadership, feminist phronesis.

Publications and Media Placements

"Intersections of Race, Gender, and Class in Jane Addams's Political Friendships," Oxford Handbook of Jane Addams, edited by Patricia Shields, Maurice Hamington, and Joseph Soeters. Oxford University Press, Forthcoming 2022.

Jane Addams on Inequality and Political Friendshi
Ip (Routledge, 2020)

"Ecofeminist Manifestos: Resources for Feminist Perspectives on the Environment," Women's Studies International Forum 83 (November-December), 2020. With Penny Weiss.

"(K)No(wing) Confidence: A Feminist Epistemological Consideration of Suspicion, Dialogue, and Self-Reflection in Progressive Movements for Political Change." In Power and Protest at an American University: No Confidence, No Fear, edited by Ellen Carnaghan and Kathryn Kuhn. Mobilization Series on Social Movements, Protest, and Culture (Routledge, 2020). With Penny Weiss.

"Jane Addams and Possibilities for Transnational Political Friendship," American Political Thought 7,3 (Summer 2018): 400-431.

"The Balcony and the Street: Gender, Virtue, and Politics in George Caleb Bingham's Antebellum America," American Quarterly (June 2013): 343-370.

"Justice As Friendship: An Aristotelian Perspective on Global and Local Justice," in Justice et Injustices Spatiales, ed. B. Bret, P. Gervais-Lambony, C. Hancock, and F. Landy (Paris: Presses Universitaires de Paris Ouest, 2010), pp. 163-180. Spanish translation, "La justicia como amistad: una perspectiva aristot茅lica sobre la justicia global y local, published in Justicia e Injusticias Espaciales," ed. B. Bret, et al (Rosario, Argentina: UNR Editora, Editoral de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, 2016), 163-182.

Honors and Awards

  • SLU Faculty Senate John A. Slosar Shared Governance Award, 2019
  • SLU Women's and Gender Studies Founders Award, 2013
  • Journal article "Prudence As a Paradigm for Political Leaders" (Political Psychology, 1996) included in the 2011 Sage Library of Political Science collection of significant articles on leadership published over the last 60 years.
  • Women Leaders Award from St. Louis Metro YWCA & SLU Women's Commission, 1996

Professional Organizations and Associations

American Political Science Association, Western Political Science Association, National Women's Studies Association, American Association of University Professors