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Harvard College, B.A. cum laude June 1998 in English and American literature, senior thesis magna cum laude. Grants, Fellowships, and Professional Development ϲʿѯ Research Institute Fellow, November 2023-2026 Beaumont Scholarship Research Award, SLU Office of Research Development & Services, May 2024-July 2025 Mellon Faculty Development Grant, SLU College of Arts and Sciences (Summer 2012, 2013, 2015, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, & 2024) The Mary Baker Eddy Library Fellowship, Boston, Massachusetts (June 2022, August 2015) Core Curricular Innovation Fellowship, SLU Undergraduate Core (AY 2021-22) Stolle Fund Award, SLU College of Arts and Sciences (summer 2018 & 2019) Summer Research Award in the Humanities, SLU Office of Research Development & Services (2014, 2016, 2018) Kingdon Fellowship, Institute for Research in the Humanities, University of Wisconsin, Madison (AY 2016-2017) Funded Participant, University of Wisconsin Faculty Development Seminar on Disability Studies (Jan.-April 2017) Innovative Teaching Fellowship, SLU Reinert Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning (spring 2015) Wood Institute Travel Grant, The College of Physicians of Philadelphia (May 2010, July 2011, April 2013) Barbara Thom Long-Term Fellowship, The Huntington Library, San Marino, California (AY 2009-2010) UC Humanities Research Institute Andrew V. White Dissertation Scholarship (AY 2005-2006) James and Sylvia Thayer Short-Term Fellowship, UCLA Special Collections (May 2005) Foreign Language Area Studies Grant for advanced German & Dutch (AY 2004-2005) DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) University Summer Course Grant in Germany (August 2002) Monographs Childrens Literature and the Rise of Mind Cure: Positive Thinking and Pseudo-Science at the Fin de Sicle. Cambridge University Press, December 2020; paperback November 2022. -- Longlisted for the 2022 Childrens Literature Association Book Award -- Reviewed in Victorian Studies, Studies in the Novel, Victorian Network, The Review of English Studies, American Literary History, The Years Work in English Studies, Childrens Literature, The Lion and the Unicorn, Choice Reviews (highly recommended). Popular Fiction and Brain Science in the Late Nineteenth Century. Cambridge University Press, January 2012; paperback August 2014. -- Finalist for the 2012 BSLS prize for the best book in the field of literature and science -- Finalist for the 2012 Science Fiction and Technoculture Studies Book Prize -- Reviewed in Bulletin of the History of Medicine, Victorian Studies, Victorian Review, Journal of Victorian Culture, Nineteenth-Century Contexts, Literature and History, Science Fiction Studies, Miranda, and the British Society for Literature and Science website. Edited Volumes and Journal Issues Special issue of the journal Literature and Medicine, Alternative Approaches to Health and Wellness in the Nineteenth Century. Co-edited by Anne Stiles and Kristine Swenson. Vol. 39.1 (spring 2021). Special issue of the journal Nineteenth-Century Literature, New Religious Movements and Secularization. Co-edited by Deanna Kreisel, Charles LaPorte, Sebastian Lecourt, and Anne Stiles. Vol. 73.2-3 (September and December, 2018). Literature, Neurology, and Neuroscience: Historical and Literary Connections. Co-edited and introduced by Anne Stiles, Stanley Finger, and Franois Boller. ElseviersProgress in Brain Researchseries, vol. 205. Elsevier, 2013. Literature, Neurology, and Neuroscience: Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders. Co-edited and introduced by Stanley Finger, Franois Boller, and Anne Stiles. ElseviersProgress in Brain Researchseries, vol. 206. Elsevier, 2013. Neurology and Literature, 1860-1920. Edited and introduced by Anne Stiles. Palgrave Macmillan, September 2007. -- Reviewed in Victorian Studies, Modernism/Modernity, Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, Brain: A Journal of Neurology, Medical History, and the British Society for Literature and Science website. Selected Journal Articles and Book Chapters Nauseous Fiction: Mary Baker Eddy and the Christian Science Novel, 1900-1910. Studies in the Novel 56.1 (March 2024): 1-20. Religion and Science in the 1890s. Nineteenth-Century Literature in Transition: the 1890s. Ed. Kristin Mahoney and Dustin Friedman. Cambridge University Press, 2023. 285-304. (solicited) Dissecting Piece by Piece: Experimentalism in Late-Victorian Fiction. Literature and the History of Medicine: The Nineteenth Century. Vol. 2. Ed. Clark Lawlor and Andrew Mangham. Cambridge University Press, 2021. 38-55. (solicited) Introduction: Alternative Approaches to Health and Wellness in the Nineteenth Century. Co-authored by Kristine Swenson. Literature and Medicine, vol. 39.1 (spring 2021): 34-43. Brain Science. The Routledge Companion to Victorian Literature. Ed. Dennis Denisoff and Talia Schaffer. Routledge, 2019. 368-377. (solicited) New Thought and the Inner Child in Frances Hodgson Burnetts Little Lord Fauntleroy. Nineteenth-Century Literature 73.3 (December 2018): 326-352. Neurology. Victorian Literature and Culture 46.3-4 (Fall/Winter 2018): 784-787. (solicited) Victorian Literature and Neuroscience. Literature Compass 15.2 (February 2018): 1-8. Christian Science versus the Rest Cure in Frances Hodgson Burnett's The Secret Garden. Modern Fiction Studies 61.2 (Summer 2015): 295-319. (solicited) 'The Intimate Language of Friendship with Men': Same-Sex Attraction in the Civil War Fiction of S. Weir Mitchell." Literature and Medicine 32.1 (June 2014): 193-217. Bram Stokers Brother, the Brain Surgeon. Literature, Neurology, and Neuroscience: Historical and Literary Connections. Ed. Anne Stiles, Stanley Finger, and Franois Boller. Elsevier, 2013. 197-218. Jekyll and Hyde as Science Fiction. Approaches to Teaching the Works of Robert Louis Stevenson. Ed. Caroline E. McCracken-Flesher. MLA, 2013. 152-156. (solicited) The Rest Cure, 1873-1925. BRANCH: Britain, Representation, and Nineteenth-Century History. Ed. Dino Franco Felluga. Extension of Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net. Web. Nov. 2, 2012. (solicited) Somnambulism and Trance States in the Works of John William Polidori, Author of The Vampyre. Co-authored by Stanley Finger and John Bulevich. European Romantic Review 21.6 (December 2010): 789-807. Literature in Mind: H.G. Wells and the Evolution of the Mad Scientist. Journal of the History of Ideas 70.2 (April 2009): 317-39. Victorian Psychology and the Novel. Literature Compass 5.3 (May 2008): 668-680. (solicited) Robert Louis Stevensons Jekyll and Hyde and the Double Brain. SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 46.4 (Autumn 2006): 879-900. Reprinted in Harold Bloom, ed., Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde --Robert Louis Stevenson. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, forthcoming. Cerebral Automatism, the Brain, and the Soul in Bram Stoker's Dracula. Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 15.2 (June 2006): 131-152. Physician or Svengali? Sigmund Freud and Arthur Schnitzler on the Ethics of Hypnotic Therapy. New German Review 20 (2004-2005): 60-73. Short Essays & Reference Works Breaking Glad: Positive Thinking and the President in the Time of COVID-19. fifteeneightyfour: Academic Perspectives from Cambridge University Press. December 17, 2020.  HYPERLINK "http://www.cambridgeblog.org/2020/12/breaking-glad-positive-thinking-and-the-president-in-the-time-of-covid-19/" http://www.cambridgeblog.org/2020/12/breaking-glad-positive-thinking-and-the-president-in-the-time-of-covid-19/ Marie Corelli. The Encyclopedia of Victorian Literature, ed. Dino Felluga, Pamela Gilbert, and Linda K. Hughes. Blackwell Publishing, 2015. Blackwell Reference Online. (solicited) Rewriting the Rest Cure in Frances Hodgson Burnetts The Secret Garden. The Psychologist 26.3 (March 2013): 234-5. (solicited) Go Rest, Young Man. Time Capsule column on S. Weir Mitchells West Cure. Monitor on Psychology 43.1 (January 2012): 32. (solicited) Book Reviews Review of Dickens and Victorian Psychology: Introspection, First-Person Narration, and the Mind, by Tyson Stolte (Oxford UP, 2022). Victorian Studies, forthcoming. Review of Narrating Trauma: Victorian Novels and Modern Stress Disorders, by Gretchen Braun (Ohio State UP, 2022). Nineteenth-Century Literature 78.3 (December 2023): 238-241. Review of Materials of the Mind: Phrenology, Race, and the Global History of Science, by James Poskett (U of Chicago P, 2019). Victorian Studies 63.4 (Summer 2021): 592-594. Review of The Novels of Frances Hodgson Burnett in the World of Actual Literature, by Thomas Recchio (Anthem Press, 2020). The Gaskell Journal 35 (2021): 90-92. Review of Reading with the Senses in Victorian Literature and Science, by David Sweeney Coombs (U of Virginia P, 2019). Nineteenth-Century Contexts 43.1 (2021): 121-123. Review of Automatism and Creative Acts in the Age of New Psychology, by Linda M. Austin (Cambridge UP, 2018). Victorian Studies 62.1 (Autumn 2019): 121-123. Review of Healing the Nation: Literature, Progress, and Christian Science, by L. Ashley Squires (Indiana UP, 2017). American Literary History Online Review series 15.1 (May 2018): 1-3. Review of The Neurologists: A History of a Medical Specialty in Modern Britain, c. 1789-2000, by Stephen Casper (Manchester UP, 2015). Journal of British Studies 56.1 (January 2017): 187-189. Review of Dreams and Modernity: A Cultural History, by Helen Groth and Natalya Lusty (Routledge, 2013). Victorian Studies 57.4 (summer 2015): 697-699. Review of Thomas Hardy's Brains: Psychology, Neurology, and Hardy's Imagination, by Suzanne Keen (Ohio State UP, 2014). Modernism/Modernity 22.2 (April 2015): 405-407. Review of Victorian Women Writers, Radical Grandmothers, and the Gendering of God, by Gail Turley Houston (Ohio State UP, 2012). Studies in the Novel 46.1 (spring 2014): 130-131. Review of The Poets Mind: The Psychology of Victorian Poetry 1830-1870, by Gregory Tate (Oxford UP, 2012). The Review of English Studies 64 (November 2013): 905-907. Review of Social Minds in the Novel, by Alan Palmer (Ohio State UP, 2010), and Imagining Minds: The Neuro-Aesthetics of Austen, Eliot, and Hardy, by Kay Young (Ohio State UP, 2010). Victorian Studies 55.1 (Autumn 2012): 107-109. Review of Understanding Nationalism, by Patrick Colm Hogan (Ohio State UP, 2009). Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net (RaVoN) 59-60 (2011). Web. Review of Labyrinths of Deceit, by Richard Walker (Liverpool UP, 2007). Nineteenth-Century Contexts 31.4 (2009): 405-7. Review of Nostalgia in Transition, 1780-1917, by Linda Austin (University of Virginia Press, 2007). Studies in the Novel 41.1 (March 2009): 122-4. Review of Space and the March of Mind, by Alice Jenkins (Oxford UP, 2007). Philological Quarterly 87.3-4 (Summer & Fall 2008): 429-32. Review of Robert Louis Stevenson, Writer of Boundaries, ed. Richard Ambrosini and Richard Dury (U of Wisconsin P, 2006). Nineteenth-Century Literature 61.3 (December 2006): 403-406. Media Experience Featured guest on Rest Cures, Elizabeth Robins Diary Podcast, episode 7, June 22, 2023. HYPERLINK "https://www.erdiary.com/"https://www.erdiary.com/ Interview with Anne Stiles, Ph.D., on Christian Science, Mind Cure, and Childrens Literature, by Sebastian C. Galbo. Literature, Arts, and Medicine Magazine, Jan. 30, 2023.  HYPERLINK "https://medhum.med.nyu.edu/magazine/archives/54563" https://medhum.med.nyu.edu/magazine/archives/54563 Featured guest on the podcast Jekyll and Hyde, Words to that Effect, episode 35, October 15, 2019.  HYPERLINK "https://wttepodcast.com/2019/10/15/jekyll-and-hyde/" https://wttepodcast.com/2019/10/15/jekyll-and-hyde/ Interviewed in Americanitis: The Disease of Living Too Fast by Julie Beck. The Atlantic. March 11, 2016. Featured in Examining the Text by Jeannette Cooperman. St. Louis Magazine. August 2013. Interviewed for a segment on vampires on KOMO Newsradio, Seattle, Washington. October 29, 2010. Profiled in Vampires! The Psychology and Science Behind these Literary Monsters. WSU News Service, October 28, 2010.  HYPERLINK "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piTbJz-Wp4k" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piTbJz-Wp4k Interviewed in Dangerous Liaisons: Why we find vampires sexy by Brian Alexander. MSNBC. October 29, 2009. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33509755/ns/health-sexual_health/ Featured guest on Count Dracula, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Neurology and the Novel. All In The Mind, Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Radio National. April 9, 2005. Invited Talks External: Haunted Lives: Ghosts, Spiritualism, and Psychical Research in the Nineteenth Century. Mirrors and Mystics Annual Event, The Chatillon-Demenil Mansion, St. Louis, October 17, 2020. Dissecting Piece by Piece: Experimentalism in Late-Victorian Fiction. Featured lecture, Biomedical Humanities Symposium, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla. April 11, 2018. --. Eastern Illinois University, Charleston. March 29, 2018. Recovering the New Thought Novel. Institute for Research in the Humanities, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Feb. 6, 2017. Christian Science Childrens Fiction. The Mary Baker Eddy Library for the Betterment of Humanity, Boston, Massachusetts. August 6, 2015. Literature and Medicine: Silas Weir Mitchell's Fiction. The Literature of Prescription Speaker Series, Health Science Center Library, University of Florida, Gainesville. June 9, 2015. Medical Humanities Roundtable Discussion (with Sara van den Berg). Washington University Medical Humanities Reading Group, St. Louis, Missouri. December 8, 2014. Bram Stoker's Brother, the Brain Surgeon. 33rd Historica Medica Lecture, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri. October 16, 2013. Rewriting the Rest Cure in Frances Hodgson Burnetts The Secret Garden. St. Louis Medical Librarians Awards Ceremony. Becker Library, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri. May 13, 2013. --. Neilly Lecture Series, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York. November 14, 2012. Same-Sex Desire in the Civil War Fiction of S. Weir Mitchell. The College of Physicians of Philadelphia. April 1, 2013. Psychology, Gender, and the Brain in Dickens Scholarship. Keynote address. Dickenss World Online Conference. March 8, 2012. Vampire Fiction and its Influence on the Rest Cure. Featured lecture. International Society for the History of the Neurosciences/Cheiron Conference, University of Calgary, Canada. June 19, 2011. The Mind-Body Problem in Nineteenth-Century Vampire Fiction. Washington State University Association for Faculty Women. September 23, 2010. Vivisection and Vampirism: Animal Rights Controversies in Dracula. The Huntington Library, San Marino, California. Oct 30, 2009. 365 Lists: My First Year on the Tenure Track. Professors Beyond Borders Lecture Series, Comparative Literature Department, UCLA. May 12, 2008. Teaching Victorian Novels in Medical Context. Literature and Pathology Conference, University of California, Davis. March 2, 2008. Nervous Electricity in the Fiction of Marie Corelli. American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, Massachusetts. February 6, 2007. Somnambulism and Trance States in the Works of John Polidori and Bram Stoker. Cognitive Theory and the Arts Seminar, Harvard Humanities Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts. October 4, 2006. Dracula and the Brain Stem. Neuroscience History Affinity Group, UCLA Brain Research Institute. June 8, 2005. At SLU: Nauseous Fiction: Mary Baker Eddy and the Christian Science Novel. Textual Revolutions panel on Medical Humanities, Department of English, October 12, 2022. Religion and Science in the 1890s. Textual Revolutions Faculty Lecture Series, Department of English, February 9, 2022. Charlotte Perkins Gilmans Herland as New Thought Novel. Womens and Gender Studies Brown Bag Series, September 25, 2019. Sunshine and Shadow: New Thought in Anne of Green Gables. Textual Revolutions Faculty Lecture Series, Department of English. April 9, 2019. Creative Writing Assignments in Literature Courses. Pedagogical Revolutions Lecture Series, Department of English. Oct. 31, 2017. A Brief History of the Inner Child. Textual Revolutions Faculty Lecture Series, Department of English. Jan. 13, 2016. Henry James and the Evil Child. Athenaeum: Long 19th-Century Transatlantic Research Group, Nov. 19, 2015. Public Health and the Victorian Home. 4th Annual Learning Studio Symposium. Reinert Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning. April 24, 2015. Mary Shelley and H.G. Wells on Climate Change. Conversations on Climate Change: Three Interdisciplinary Discussions. April 9, 2014. Grants and Grantsmanship for M.A. and Ph.D. Students. Athenaeum: Long 19th-Century Transatlantic Research Group, Feb. 20, 2014. Explicating Poetry. 1818 Advanced College Credit English Colloquium, October 19, 2012. Incorporating Visual Arts and Material Culture into the Literature Classroom. Department of English Literature Teaching Workshop, May 2, 2012. Teaching William Blakes Songs of Innocence & Songs of Experience: Text and Image. 1818 Advanced College Credit English Colloquium, October 14, 2011. Selected Conference Presentations Victorian Literature for Premeds. MLA Annual Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Jan. 4, 2024. Return to Youth: Radiation as Restorative in Marie Corellis Fiction. North American Victorian Studies Association Conference, Bloomington, Indiana. November 10, 2023. Medical Humanities in the Victorian Literature Classroom (with Katie Eck Thorman). Pedagogy Workshop. Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western United States Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington. October 19, 2023. Nauseous Fiction: Mary Baker Eddy and the Christian Science Novel, 1900-1910. Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee. April 15, 2023. The Devil is in the Details: Oscar Wilde and Marie Corelli on Science and Religion. The Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western United States Zoom Series on Victorian Promises. October 14, 2022. Religion and Science in the 1890s. Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah. March 26, 2022. Panelist, Postdoctoral Fellowships Roundtable Discussion. North American Victorian Studies Association Job Market Group online meeting, September 12, 2020. Shirley Temple and the Afterlife of New Thought Fiction. The Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western United States Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington. November 8, 2019. Charlotte Perkins Gilmans Herland as New Thought Novel. North American Victorian Studies Association Conference, Columbus, Ohio. October 18, 2019. Sunshine and Shadow: New Thought in Anne of Green Gables. Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies Conference, Dallas, Texas. March 24, 2019. Victorian Literature, Neuroscience, and Neurodiversity. MLA Annual Convention, Chicago, Illinois. January 6, 2019. Neuroscience. Roundtable Discussion: New Directions in Science and Literature. MLA Annual Convention, Chicago, Illinois. January 5, 2019. Millennial Motherhood in Charlotte Perkins Gilmans Herland. The Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western United States Annual Conference, Palm Springs, California. November 9, 2018. ϲʿѯing to Postdoctoral Fellowships and Grants. Job Search Roundtable Discussion. Midwest Conference on British Studies, Saint Louis, Missouri. September 30, 2017. Christian Science Childrens Fiction, 1900-1910. MLA Annual Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Jan. 5, 2017. Henry James and the Evil Child. North American Victorian Studies Association Conference, Phoenix, Arizona. Nov. 3, 2016. The Christian Science Novel, 1900-1910. The Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western United States Annual Conference, Austin, Texas. Sep. 29, 2016. A Brief History of the Inner Child. MLA Annual Convention, Austin, Texas. Jan. 9, 2016. The Evil Child in Henry Jamess The Turn of the Screw. The Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western United States Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado. Oct. 23, 2015. New Thought in Frances Hodgson Burnett's Little Lord Fauntleroy. The Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western United States Annual Conference, Fullerton, California. Oct. 16, 2014. Frances Hodgson Burnett and the Birth of the Inner Child. North American Victorian Studies Association Conference, Pasadena, California. October 25, 2013. Rewriting the Rest Cure in Frances Hodgson Burnetts The Secret Garden. North American Victorian Studies Association Conference, Madison, Wisconsin. September 28, 2012. British Vampire Fiction and the Emergence of the Rest Cure. North American Victorian Studies Association Conference, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. Nov. 5, 2011. An Animal Rights Perspective on Dracula. North American Victorian Studies Association Conference, Montral, Canada. November 13, 2010. Silas Weir Mitchells Nervous Malady and its Influence on the Rest Cure. History of Science Society Annual Meeting, Montral, Canada. November 7, 2010. Vivisection and Vampirism: Animal Rights Controversies inDracula.Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies Conference, University of Texas at Austin. March 26, 2010. Photographic Memory in Grant Allens Recalled to Life. North American Victorian Studies Association Conference, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. November 15, 2008. Reading the Neurological Romance: Popular Fiction and Brain Science, 18801914, MLA Annual Convention, Chicago, Illinois. December 29, 2007. Somnambulism and Trance States in the Work of John William Polidori, Author of The Vampyre. 12th Annual International Society for the History of the Neurosciences Conference, UCLA. June 23, 2007. H.G. Wells and the Evolving Brain: Reading the Neurological Romance. North American Victorian Studies Association Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. September 3, 2006. Robert Louis Stevenson, Jekyll and Hyde, and the Double Brain. 4th Biennial International Robert Louis Stevenson Conference, Saranac Lake, New York. July 20, 2006. Neurology and Literature(presenter and panel chair).American Comparative Literature Association Annual (ACLA) Conference, Princeton University. March 24, 2006. Literature inMind: H.G. Wellss Fictions of Science.Mind Symposium,Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia. December 3, 2005. The Spectral Male Hysteric in the Works of Silas Weir Mitchell. Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts Conference, Chicago, Illinois. November 12, 2005. Bram Stokers Dracula and the Brain Stem. International Society for the History of the Neurosciences Conference, St. Andrews, Scotland. July 8, 2005. Professional Service President, Board of Directors, Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western United States, January 2024-present (board member since 2016). Grant proposal reviewer for the Wellcome Trust (2011, 2012, 2015, 2023), the Mary Baker Eddy Library (2017, 2018, 2020), and the National Science Foundation (2014). Panel organizer and chair, The Promise of Religion. The Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western United States Zoom Series on Victorian Promises. October 14, 2022. Member, MLA Forum Executive Committee, Science and Literature (2016-2020; Chair 2019). Discussion Leader, Center for History of Medicine Book Group, Washington University Medical Center, Feb. 25, 2020. (session on Jeffrey Eugenides Middlesex) External reviewer (tenure), CUNY Brooklyn (2014), Iowa State University (2018). Seminar Leader, Alternative Approaches to Health and Wellness. Midwest Victorian Studies Association Annual Conference, ϲʿѯ. April 21, 2018. Panel organizer, S. Weir Mitchells Fiction. MLA Annual Convention, New York. January 2018. Victorian Section Co-Editor, Literature Compass (Wiley-Blackwell online journal). April 2009-April 2017. Panel organizer and chair, Fiction and the Brain. MLA Annual Convention, Philadelphia. January 6, 2017. Panel organizer and chair, "New Religious Movements and the Victorian Literary Imagination." MLA Annual Convention, Austin, Texas. January 9, 2016. Co-organizer, 2nd annual Literature and Pathology Conference, UC Davis School of Medicine (2009). Graduate Student Organizer, Dickens Project Winter Conference, UCLA. February 17-19, 2006. Teaching Assistant, Dickens Universe, UC Santa Cruz. August 2004 and 2005. Organizer, 13th Annual Southland Graduate Conference, UCLA. May 11, 2002. Reader for PMLA (2012, 2019), Victorian Studies (2011, 2012, 2014, 2016), Journal of Victorian Culture (2013, 2015), Nineteenth-Century Literature (2006), BRANCH (2016), Modernism/Modernity (2014), European Romantic Review (2014), Literature and Medicine (2014, 2015, 2019, 2021, 2022), Nineteenth-Century French Studies (2016),Victorians Institute Journal (2012), Victorian Review (2012, 2017), Comparative Critical Studies (2009), Journal of the History of the Neurosciences (2014), Science Communication (2010), SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 (2017),Womens Writing (2016), Childrens Literature Association Quarterly (2022), Cusp: Late 19th-/Early20th-Century Cultures (2024), Routledge (2013, 2021), Oxford University Press (2014, 2022), Edinburgh University Press (2020), Broadview Press (2018, 2021), and Cambridge University Press (2021, 2022). University Service Coordinator, Medical Humanities Interdisciplinary Minor, SLU, August 2011-present. Co-Leader, Literature and Medicine Reading Group, SLU School of Medicine, September 2011- present. Research Coach, BILCN Program (Building Integrated Learning and Coaching Networks for Research). SLU Office of the Vice President for Research, spring 2022-fall 2023. Campus Read Committee Representative, Michael Chabons The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, SLU, Jun. 2020-May 2021. Discussion Leader, campus read of Michael Chabons The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. SLU, April 8, 2021. Discussion Leader, campus read of Edwidge Danticats Breath, Eyes, Memory, SLU School of Medicine. October 21, 2019. Elected Member, Board of Graduate Education, College of Arts and Sciences, SLU, Aug. 2017-May 2019. Member, Celebration Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, SLU, Sep. 2017- May 2018. Grant proposal reviewer for the President's Research Fund (spring 2015) and Summer Research Award in the Humanities (spring 2017). Member, Pre-Health Committee on Evaluations, SLU, Aug. 2012-May 2014. Departmental Service Interim Director of Graduate Studies, fall 2023. Placement Director, Dept. of English, SLU, AY 2017-2018, 2019-2022, and 2023-2024 Ad Hoc English Major Revision Committee, SLU, fall 2021-spring 2023. Member, Job Search Committee, Assistant-level hire in Medieval literature, SLU, May-December 2022 English Department Representative, Faculty Council, College of Arts and Sciences, SLU, 2020-2022. Faculty Mentor for Assistant Professor Juliana Chow, SLU, Sep. 2015-May 2020. Ex-Officio Member, Graduate English Committee, SLU, AY 2017-2018, AY 2019-2020 English Department Faculty Liaison, 1818 Advanced College Credit Program, SLU, Aug. 2011-May 2016. Ex-Officio Member, Undergraduate English Committee, SLU, Aug. 2012-May 2016. Job Placement Coordinator. WSU, AY 2010-2011; Job Placement Co-Coordinator, AY 2008-2009. Member, Graduate Studies Committee. WSU, August 2008-May 2011. Faculty advisor, undergraduate English Club & English Honors Society (Sigma Tau Delta), WSU, January 2008-May 2009. Member, Job Search Committee, Assistant-level hire in 18th-Century British and Postcolonial Literature, WSU, 2007-2008. Courses Taught at SLU English 6590/Womens Studies 6590: Victorian Childrens Literature (graduate seminar, fall 2017) English 6530/ Womens Studies 6930: Victorians and the Occult (graduate seminar, spring 2020) English 6530: Medicine, Mind, and Victorian Fiction (graduate seminar, spring 2013, fall 2021) English 5899: Professionalization Practicum (graduate course, fall 2017 & 2019) English 4940: Public Health and the Victorian Built Environment (senior seminar, spring 2014) English 4580: Major Victorian Authors and Movements (spring 2012 & 2021) English 4530: Medicine, Mind, and Victorian Fiction (fall 2012, 2013, 2021, 2024; spring 2023) English 4520: Mental Illness in Victorian Literature (research intensive seminar, fall 2014) English 3930: Victorian Children's Literature and Child Psychology (fall 2015) English 3740: Medicine and Literature (spring 2018, 2019, & 2020) English 3730: Introduction to Medical Humanities (fall 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2019, 2020, 2023, & 2024) English 3650/Womens Studies 3930: Feminist Science Fiction (spring 2023, 2024) English 3490: 19th Century British Literature (spring 2015, fall 2020) English 2930: Literature and Medicine for Healthcare Professionals (spring 2024) English 2650: Technology, Media, and Literature (spring 2018, 2021, & 2022, fall 2019) English 230: Introduction to the Novel (fall 2011) English 1900: Advanced Strategies of Rhetoric and Research (spring 2019) Honors 1900: Literary Representations of Mental Illness and Addiction (freshman seminar, fall 2017) Honors Ignite Seminar, CORE 1000-05: Mental Illness in Fiction, Film, and Memoir (fall 2021) Courses Taught at WSU English 522: Victorians and the Occult (graduate seminar, spring 2011) English 522: Animals and Literature in the Age of Evolution (graduate seminar, spring 2009) English 522: Medicine, Mind, and the Victorian Novel (graduate seminar, fall 2007) English 512: Introduction to Graduate Studies (fall 2008 & 2010) English 488: Victorian Literature (upper-division seminar, spring & fall 2008) English 372: 19th Century Literature of the British Empire and the Americas (fall 2007 & 2010) English 366: The English Novel to 1900 (spring 2008) English 302: Introduction to English Studies (team-taught course; fall & spring 2008; spring 2009 & 2011) - Taught a three-week segment on Romantic poetry Advising Chair, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Colten Biro, degree expected from SLU in May 2024. Chair, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Adriana Hutchinson, degree expected from SLU in May 2025. Chair, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Kathleen Eck Thorman, degree expected from SLU in May 2025. Member, Ph.D. Exam Committee, Alexa Broemmer, degree expected from SLU in May 2025. Chair, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Natalie Monzyk. Sensational Philosophers: Science, Identity, and the Legacy of Sensation Fiction in the Long Nineteenth Century. SLU, August 2022. Visiting Assistant Professor, SLU Department of English, fall 2022-present. Member, Ph.D. Exam Committee, Haris Fazli, SLU, September 2021. Member, M.A. Exam Committee, Sydney Rice Lindsey, SLU, May 2021. Member, M.A. Thesis Committee, Alexa Broemmer.  The Impossibilities of Womanhood and Motherhood in Contemporary Horror Films. SLU, April 2020. Member, M.A. Thesis Committee, Katherine Eck. Supercrip Saints: Language, Identity, and Literary Representations of Dwarfism and Disability. SLU, April 2020. External member, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Stephanie Schatz. Sleep and Dream-States in Literature, Science, and Medicine, 1700-1899. Purdue University, November 2019. Member, Ph.D. Exam Committee, Carolyn Hogan Downey, SLU, May 2018. Member, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Emily Tuttle. The Throne of Suffering: Tracing Representations of Ideal Femininity in British Literature, 1766-1828. SLU, July 2017. Member, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Angela Blumberg. Our Real Life in Tombs: Representing the Archaeological Encounter at the fin de sicle. SLU, April 2017. Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Auburn University, fall 2018-present. Member, Ph.D. Exam Committee, Amanda Cherian Giebfried, SLU, May 2017. Member, Ph.D. Exam Committee, Heather Bozant Witcher, SLU, April 2017. Assistant Professor of English, Auburn University at Montgomery, fall 2019-present. External member, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Courtney Andree. Disabling Modernity: Disability and Sexuality in British Literature, Film and Culture, 1880-1939. Washington University in St. Louis, August 2015. External member, M.A. Thesis Committee, Hallie Kaiser. Innocents Under Attack: Animal Science and the Rise of the Acculturated Child in Golden Age Children's Literature. WSU, May 2015. Chair, M.A. Exam Committee, Paul Goode, SLU, May 2013. Member, M.A. Thesis Committee, Heather Bozant. Tracing the Self: Understanding Constructions of Victorian Female Identity, Relationships, and the Law." SLU, May 2012. Member, M.A. Thesis Committee, Andrea Hewitt. 'I forgive you, forgive me!': Sympathy, Forgiveness, and the Romantic Performative from Baillie to Bront." SLU, May 2012. Chair, M.A. Committee, Megan McGrath. Crime and Disease in Early Victorian London: Contagion Anxiety in Oliver Twist. WSU, May 2011. Chair, M.A. Committee, Stephanie Schatz. Miniature Insanity: Lewis Carrolls Alice, Fractured Consciousness, and the Psychopathology of Victorian Child Madness. WSU, May 2010. Chair, M.A. Committee, Antonie Bodley. Gothic Horror, Monstrous Science, and Steampunk. WSU, May 2009. Member, Ph.D. Committee, Alex Parrish, Adaptive Rhetoric: Evolution, Culture, and the Art of Persuasion. WSU, May 2012. Associate Professor of Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communication at James Madison University, 2012-present. Member, Ph.D. Committee, Lisa Anderson. Spectatorship and Space in the Colonial and Postcolonial Novel. WSU, May 2011. Member, Ph.D. Committee, Erin Mae Clark. Bodies in Transit: The Body and the Text in the Work of Henry 'Box' Brown, Jean Toomer and Charlotte Delbo. WSU, June 2010. Associate Professor of English, Saint Marys University of Minnesota, 2011-2023 Member, M.A. Committee, Lindsey Davis. The Body Repressed/The Body Sublime: Navigating Postmodern Death in Delillos White Noise. WSU, May 2010. Member, M.A. Committee, Hillary Roberts. Seeing Green: Nature and Human Relationships with the Environment in Wordsworth. WSU, May 2009. Member, M.A. Committee, Hannah Allen. Jack Londons Science Fiction Short Stories and the Paradox of Modernism. WSU, May 2008. Member, M.A. Committee, Brent Fujioka. From Fu Manchu to Hideki Tojo: The Changing Asian Enemy in American Superhero Comic Books of the Golden Age. WSU, May 2008.     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